January 2017

Svetlana Z. Shakirova is named to the post of head physician of SAHI «Urussinsky Central Regional Hospital» by the order of TR Health Minister. She was born on 3/13/1970 in Aznakaevo. She has got higher education. She has ended Kazan State Medical University in "Pediatrics" in 1995, she obtained the internship degree in "obstetrics and gynecology" in 1996. 

Representatives of the company «Air Liquid Healthcare» have visited Republican Clinical Hospital. The company specializes on sale of gases in Russia, it has some directions, including the healthcare sphere. Delegates have familiarized with activity of hospital and its possibilities. They have also visited the situation-dependent centre interacting with other hospitals by video consultations.

Press conference dedicated to orders and conditions of medical care rendering to inhabitants of republic took place today in "Tatmedia". The principal epidemiologist of ТR Health Ministry Natalia Ivoylova has told about epidemiological situation in republic. So, the peak of flu case rate is passed away this year in Tatarstan.

Pupils of school № 127 where the campaign took place in the end of 2016, have passed on baton and have handed over campaign’s burgee-symbol to the contemporaries, pupils of school № 100 of settlement Otary of Privolzhsky district of Kazan.

8931 emergency calls were registered in Kazan from 16.01.17 till 22.01.17. 1047 emergency calls were registered in public places. The greatest number of calls (7244) was on various diseases, including 182 strokes and 46 infarcts. 84 times ambulance surgeons left on labors.

Training “Organization of healthcare and public health” takes place in Republican Clinical Hospital. Training is dedicated to management activity development in structural departments of Republican Clinical Hospital and Kazan State Medical Academy, branch of FSBEI APE “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education” of Health Ministry of Russia. 

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