Working in the red zone of the hospital

13 November 2020, Friday

The therapist of the city polyclinic #4 named after L. N. Ganieva, Mikhail Andreevich Andreev did not hesitate to   work in the red zone of the hospital for war veterans.

"It wasn't scary. The red zones of Naberezhnye Chelny had been working for several months before I got there, so I had an understanding about the disease and the treatment", Mikhail Andreevich shared. The work of a physician in an infectious diseases hospital befell at the peak of the heat, when the temperature outside did not fall below 35 degrees. Medical manipulations were performed in a tight, air-locked overalls, respirator, mask and double gloves, which can not be removed for 6 hours.

In the hospital, the therapist performed standard duties: collected anamnesis from newly admitted patients; prescribed treatment and examination plan; monitored and corrected therapy; prepared recommendations for discharged patients.

Medical personnel entered the red zone for 6 hours of continuous work, then set off to the green zone for 12 hours to eat, sleep and finish working with the documentation that they did not have time to fill out in the red zone. "It just goes round and round – six hours after twelve hours for two weeks, someone stayed longer," the therapist said.

Mikhail Andreev noted that COVID-19 surprised by its rapid spread among the population, as well as in the sharp deterioration of patients' health conditions: "The course of the disease is different for everyone: someone is completely asymptomatic, and someone needs the lung ventilation equipment in a few days."

Mikhail Andreevich returned to work as a therapist in his native polyclinic: "With the increase of the flow of patients, we receive up to 50 people a day. I still haven't decided where to work harder. Wear medical masks in public places, limit contact, and most importantly, do not self-medicate. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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