The Children's Polyclinic #3 of Avtograd summed up the results of work for 2020

12 February 2021, Friday

In the Children's City Polyclinic #3 of Naberezhnye Chelny, a meeting was held with the team on the results of the city's socio-economic development for 2020. Honorary guests of the meeting were the Deputy head of the Healthcare Department of Naberezhnye Chelny Aigul Burganova and Chairman of the Professional Union of the city's health organizations Lubov' Hovrysheva.

Within the framework of the meeting, Chief Physician Albina Shaikhutdinova announced the results of the institution's activities for 2020. In her report, the head of the institution relayed the dynamics of the polyclinic's main indicators, on the results of work during the introduction of restrictive measures aimed to restrict the spread of a new infection, and outlined the tasks for the current year.

During this difficult period, the main resource of the institution was its human resources. To date, 35 doctors and 97 employees with secondary medical education work in the Children's City Polyclinic #3. As part of the implementation of the "Providing medical organizations of the healthcare system with qualified personnel" regional project, which is a part of the National Healthcare project for the period of 2020, the polyclinic managed to attract 5 doctors and 8 nurses.

State awards evaluated the professional qualities of individual employees of the institution at the end of the year. In a solemn ceremony, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov presented letters of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation to infectious disease specialist Mirlan Amanbayev and pulmonologist Ekaterina Bakhtina in the Kazan Kremlin.

The number of the attached population increased by 4.5 percent during the reporting period: from 18,698 to 19,574 people. It is due to the assignment of new service areas to the establishment.


During the year, doctors performed 174,860 visits. The number of visits to secondary medical professionals increased by 26.4% compared to 2019 and reached 31 thousand visits at the end of the year.


As part of preventive medical examinations, the entire attached population was traditionally examined in the past year.


Also, Albina Shaikhutdinova noted that three doctors of the polyclinic were voluntarily involved in providing medical care in the conditions of the city's infectious diseases hospital.

In the past year, the institution became one of the best organizations in the city as military registration organizers.


In this challenging year, the employees of the institution were also supported by third-party organizations-benefactors of Transit Oil LLC, Nefis Cosmetics JSC, Aroma JSC, the restaurant chain Orlovsky Dvorik, Orlovsky Palace, Orlovskaya Usadba, and a local self-administration organization Uyut. These organizations provided charitable assistance in the form of supplies of masks, detergents, and disinfectants, and the organization of complex meals.


The polyclinic tasks in the current year are the implementation of planned indicators, the further implementation of a set of measures to reduce infant mortality, ensuring the preservation and increase of the personnel potential of the polyclinic, dispensary monitoring. The institution also plans to conduct a licensing procedure for conducting fiberoptic gastroduodenoscopy and implement an internal quality control system based on the requirements of Roszdravnadzor.


At the end of her speech, Albina Shaikhutdinova thanked the institution's entire staff for the endurance and perseverance shown in a difficult 2020. As part of the reporting meeting, the award ceremony was held for the distinguished polyclinic employees.


Summing up, the guests highly appreciated the work of the polyclinic, thanked the medical staff for their work, and wished the team further success.

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