In 2020, 99 thousand young patients seeked medical aid at the Kama Children's Medical Center

19 February 2021, Friday

The Kama Children's Medical Center held a last year results report meeting.

The event was attended by the head of Healthcare Department of Naberezhnye Chelny of the MH in the RT Alexander Nikolaev, Chief Physician of the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital Airat Ziatdinov, Chairman of the city's Healthcare Workers Union organization Lubov' Hovrycheva. The final meeting was also attended by the partners of the institution, including Irina Frishko, Director of the Naberezhnye Chelny branch of PJSC VTB Bank, Elena Gerasimova, the Head of Development at the RC of PJSC Ak Bars Bank, Nadezhda Vyugovskaya, Director of PJSC Detsky Mir, representatives of JSC Tatprof Marina Lomaeva, LLC Eurostyle Marat Gizdullin.

The Chief Physician of the KCMC, Marat Nasybullin, reported on the work results and plans for 2021.

According to the information announced in the report, to date, 190 doctors, 529 employees with secondary medical education work in the KСMC. As part of the implementation of the regional project "Providing Medical Organizations of the Healthcare System with Qualified Personnel," which is part of the National Healthcare project for 2020, the hospital managed to attract 18 specialist doctors. Of these, 7 graduates of higher educational institutions have passed accreditation: a pediatric surgeon, two pediatricians, two obstetricians and gynecologists, and an orthopedic traumatologist. Also, 28 graduates of secondary educational institutions are employed, including 21 nurses, 3 medical laboratory technicians, 3 midwives, and 1 paramedic. Two doctors-anesthesiologists-resuscitators transferred to work in COVID hospitals of the city.

In 2020, according to the Republican Government program, 4 specialists took part and won a grant competition allowing them to improve housing conditions.

Every year, the number of employees who joined a trade union increases, from 66% in 2017 to 74.6% now.

Last year, KCMC presented the Organization of Medical Cleaning service for the 100 Best Goods of Russia competition and, thus, became its winner.

Ekaterina Semushkina, the head of the Children's Polyclinic of the KCMC, a pediatrician, became the winner of the city competition of public recognition "The Best Children's Doctor – 2020", organized by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alfiya Kogogina.

In the framework of the VII All-Russian Congress of Reproductive Potential of Russia: Readings in Kazan-2020, the Deputy Chief Physician in obstetrics and gynecological care of KCMC Alexey Estrin was awarded for his dedication and contribution to the development of obstetric services.

Marat Nasybullin noted that due to the National Healthcare project's implementation and the Regional project titled "Development of Children's Healthcare, including the Modern Infrastructure Creation for Providing Medical Care to Children," the material-technical base of the medical organization improved in 2020.

The number of births increased by almost 10%. There were 5,719 births in 2019 and 6,289 in 2020 accordingly, compared to 2019. This increase was caused by the closure of the Maternity Hospital of the City Hospital #2 during the coronavirus pandemic.

There is an urgent need to build a new children's clinic in the densely populated area of Zamelekesye. Over the past three years, the population served by the office of pediatricians of the District Children's Polyclinic of the KCMC has significantly increased in this micro-district. If at the time of the opening, 3080 children were attached, then today there are already 5166. This trend is not the limit since the construction of the micro-district continues.

The building of the Children's Medical Rehabilitation and Outpatient Hospice Care department of the KCMC, which is more than 40 years old, requires major repairs. The main task of the department is to provide rehabilitation assistance to the children's population. Based on this facility, there is a mobile outpatient hospice team that serves 30 families. In 2020, the team carried out 725 field trips. According to the development strategy of the KCMC, it is planned to reorganize the department into a full-fledged specialized children's rehabilitation center for the children's population of the city and surrounding areas. The center's opening will allow to achieve a high quality of life for recovering patients after neurological, orthopedic, and pediatric problems.

The co-speaker was Nataliya Nagovitsyna, Deputy Chief Physician for Pediatric Care at the KCMC. She described the work of the Children's Hospital work in more detail. The pediatrician reported that the number of calls to the Children's Hospital's structural units in 2020 was 99,000 people. 47,690 of whom falls on the Injury Care Center, 23,256 ER, 15,340 Clinical and Diagnostic Department, 11,469 In-Patient Stay Hospital, and 1,245 on Day-Stay Hospital. Nataliya Nagovitsyna noted that parents of children often abuse unjustified self-referrals to the Emergency Room of the Children's Hospital, thereby replacing the visit of specialists of the polyclinic at the place of attachment. In this regard, the Children's Hospital specialists are forced to experience a massive workload because most patients who go to the Emergency Room do not need hospitalization. Nataliya Nagovitsyna also noted the increase in surgical activity, compared to the last year, and the interest of surgeons in mastering new competencies in the field of endoscopic interventions.

In 2021, the institution plans to increase the share of surgical endoscopic access interventions,  customer satisfaction, staffing, expand beds for maxillofacial surgery, including the beginning of dental care for children, and transition the Perinatal Center to level 3 of medical care.

Summing up the results, the guests highly appreciated the activities of the KCMC and wished the team further success.

Within the framework of the reporting meeting, the employees and partners of the KCMC, people who have made a significant contribution to the preservation of children's health, were awarded.

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