Two new helicopter landing sites for the Tatarstan Air Ambulance will be built in Baltasi and Drozhzhanoye districts. This was stated at the Medical Council by the head of the Center for Disaster Medicine of the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Republic of Tatarstan Marina Vorontsova.
"The helicopter landing sites will be built until 2022 under the program "Ensuring Public Order and Countering Crime in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014-2022". To date, 6 landing sites have already been built in the republic. The main requirement for landing sites is the location no more than 15 minutes away from the Central District Hospital," explained the head of the Center for Disaster Medicine.
In total, in 2020, the employees of the Air Ambulance performed 827 visits, of which 564 were carried out by reanimobiles and 263 by helicopters.
In 2020, the Tatarstan Air Ambulance Service evacuated patients injured in road traffic accidents outside the republic for the first time. The helicopter took off to the Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh and Kirov regions.
Emergency medical teams of Tatarstan set off to the road traffic accident sites 4694 times in 2020.
In 4627 cases, the Ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident in less than 20 minutes – faster than the regulation.
In total, 1,729 people were hospitalized from the accident sites in 2020, including 208 children. By the way, in 2019, almost 500 more people were injured in accidents – 2203 victims were hospitalized.