Mobile Polyclinic in Bolshiye Kaybitsy District

26 March 2024, Tuesday

Mobile medical unit of the City Clinical Hospital #7 named after M.N. Sadykov has started its work in the Bolshoye Podberezye village in the Bolshiye Kaybitsy District of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The main purpose is prophylactic medical examination. Medical teams of paramedics of Medical and Obstetrics Centers and therapists of CDH have been formed for this aim.

Last week in the Ulyankovo village team of mobile medical unit examined 272 patients, 153 of them elderly residents. 23 patients were sent for additional examinations to the district CDH, 44 patients were recommended hospitalization.

Since the beginning of this year, the doctors of the mobile clinic have examined 1,268 patients and prescribed treatment for them.

The work of mobile medical units is implemented by the National Project “Healthcare” and “Demography”.

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