Joint forum of doctors and patients with spondylitis deformans took place in Kazan National cultural centre on June, 21-22. The Inter-regional public philanthropy organization of invalids «Mutual benefit society at spondylitis deformans», Kazan State Medical University and rheumatology service of Republican Clinical Hospital and Municipal hospital №7 became the organizers of this important event. Patients from 10 regions have taken part in the forum. They have heard the best opinion of rheumatologists of Russian Federation and Tatarstan Republic. They have also learned the methods of disease monitoring, family planning and treatment of patients in other regions of the country.
President of Inter-regional public philanthropy organization of invalids « Mutual benefit society at spondylitis deformans » Sitalo A.V., Deputy Director for Science of Nasosova Scientific Research Institute of Rheumatology of Russian Academy of Medical Science, Professor, D.M. Erdes Sh.F. have greeted the participants.
Abdulganieva Diana Ildarovna, D.M., Director of therapeutic service of RCH has told about the origin of spondylitis deformans in rheumatologic service and has underlined the importance of joint forums of patients with doctors.
Specialists of RCH have taken part in forum and Municipal hospital №7, Honored Doctor of TR Abdrakipov Rifkat Zavdiatovich, doctor of rheumatology unit of SAHI «Republican Clinical Hospital of TR HM» Afanaseva Maryanna Anatolevna, attending physicians of rheumatologic unit of CRH, the principal non-staff rheumatologist, the assistant of hospital therapy faculty with course of endocrinology of KSMU Miasoutova Leisan Ildarovna,Managing of rheumatology unit of SAHI «Municipal hospital №7», Honored Doctor of ТR Mukhina Raviya Gayazovna, representatives of «Main bureau of medical-social examination in Tatarstan Republic », and assistants and senior lecturers of hospital therapy sub-faculty of КSМU also took part in the forum.
Brochures with complex exercises of physiotherapy exercises have been handed over participants of the forum.
In Molvino, the staff of the Zelenodolsk conducted a home-based medical examination of home front workers and the widow of a participant in the Great Patriotic War
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