About prevention of bronchial asthma

18 July 2019, Thursday

Thematic ten-day campaign on prevention of exacerbations of chronic diseases in the conditions of a summer heat passes in Tatarstan from July, 15 till July, 24th.

The number sick of asthma constantly grows and at us, and abroad. Especially it concerns children. A bronchial asthma – one of frequent and serious implications of the allergy, passing in chronic inflammatory disease of respiratory tracts.

Any allergens causing allergic disease can result in occurrence of bronchial asthma – pollen of blossoming grasses and trees, foodstuff, wool of pets, feathers of birds, household and library dust and many other things. Except allergens, nonspecific stimulus – cold and wet air, an acute respiratory infection, an exercise stress and so forth can cause dyspnea attacks.

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