In the Alekseevsk CRH, a medical council was held. It was devoted to the results of healthcare institutions' activities in 2020 and the tasks for 2021.
The meeting was attended by the Head of the region Sergey Anatol'evich Demidov, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Razinovich Fatikhov, the head physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital Rafael Firnayalovich Shavaliev.
Ilnar Khamitovich Vildanov, the chief physician of the Alekseevsk CRH, reported on the 2020 work results. He analyzed the activities of all the structural divisions of the institution and voiced the main problems and tasks for 2021.
The district pediatrician Layli Namadgonovna Madymarova talked about the transition to the Lean Polyclinic format. The introduction of a new model in the National Healthcare Project framework reduces the time spent by the patient in a medical facility. It creates conditions for quick and comfortable medical care.
Ildar Fatikhov noted the importance of implementing health programs and projects that address the issues of equipping hospitals with medical equipment, developing infrastructure, and providing resources for the industry. He also pointed out the importance of work on medical examinations and vaccination of the population.
Raphael Shavaliev, the chief physician of the RCH, the head of the institution, which is the curator of the Alekseevsk CRH, focused on the main problematic issues and proposals for their elimination.
The Alekseevsk Municipal district head, Sergey Demidov, noted that despite all the difficulties with the pandemic, the implementation of important social programs in the health sector, including the construction and overhaul of industry facilities, continued. He thanked the medical workers for their selfless work.
At the end of the Council meeting, the industry employees were presented with awards.