Concerning the information about investigation in Republican bureau of forensic medical examination (further – RBFME).

7 August 2013, Wednesday

Concerning the information about investigation in Republican bureau of forensic medical examination (further – RBFME). Healthcare Ministry of Tatarstan Republic reports the following:

All work on transplantology in the republic is built in correspondence with the federal legislation – the federal act "About transplantation of organs and (or) tissues of the person", orders of Healthcare Ministry the Russian Federation from May, 25th, 2007 № 357/40 "About ratification of the List of organs and (or) tissues of the person - installations of transplantation, the List of healthcare institutions performing transplantation of organs and (or) tissues of the person, and the List of healthcare institutions performing  the removal and procurement of organs and (or) tissues of the person" from October, 31st, 2012 № 567н "About ratification of the Order of rendering of medical aid on a profile" surgery (transplantation of organs and (or) tissues of the person) ".

The order of HM of ТR from 21.02.2013. № 259 determines the healthcare institutions of republic in which the removal of organs and tissues of the person for the purpose of their usage in the transplantology is possible, one of them is RBFME.

The Republic of Tatarstan has only 3 institutions which have the right to make independently the removal of organs and tissues of the person, these are: the Republican hospital, the Inter-regional clinical-diagnostic centre, and Republican clinical ophthalmologic hospital (further - RCOH) according to the order of HМ of Russian Federation from May, 25th, 2007 № 357/40 and to the gained license.

On the basis of RBFME the removal of tissues was made by 2 institutions – RCОH and Federal official institution «All-Russia centre of eye and plastic surgery» of Ufa, having appropriate resolutions and licenses for this type of activity.

Usage of tissues of the person in ophthalmology allows curing purulent diseases of cornea of eye and keratopaty and in number of cases has allowed to save an eye as an organ. Annually in Tatarstan Republic the need for such operations constitutes nearby 200 cases.

According to item 8 of Federal Low "About transplantation of organs and (or) tissues of the person" the removal of organs and (or) tissues at a corpse is not admitted, if the healthcare institution at the moment of removal was advised that during lifetime this person either his/her near relations or the holder of power have declared the disagreement of removal of its organs and (or) tissues after death for transplantation to the recipient.

Now investigatory acts are held by Investigatory committee of the Russian Federation in ТR concerning employees of RBFME. This committee will establish if there were violations of the law.

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