More than 59 liters of blood have been collected at the Republican Blood Center last year

28 February 2024, Wednesday

February 26 the summing-up meeting “The results of the Blood Service of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2023 and tasks for 2024” was held at the Republican Blood Center.

Chief Physician of the Republican Blood Center Ramil G. Turaev delivered a keynote speech on the results of the activities of the RBC.

The number of donors in the Republic of Tatarstan is 31 251 people.

59 105, 8 liters of donor blood were collected, which is 2.3% more than in 2022.

Annually, large-scale donor campaigns are organized, 9 of them were conducted in 2023.

Ramil G. Turaev noted that all the tasks set for the Blood Service of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2023 have been totally fulfilled.

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